Nearly Si Lu Collected Notes Fourteen volumes (Qing) Mao Xing Lai

Siku Quanshu 史部 儒家类《近思錄集注》十四卷(清)茅星来,高清电子版。 The book was completed in Xinchou of the Kangxi Dynasty with a preface from Xing and a post-preface written in Cinchen of the Qianlong Dynasty when the book was completed 15 years ago, and the preface said that since the Song Dynasty history is divided into two for Taoism and Confucianism, the scholars of Cheng and Zhu but seek the body, mind and life between not to pass The ancient study of the scriptures for the matter of cover to steal the theory of Ma Zheng Jia Kong's help of the scriptures is analogous to the gathering of the department store, Cheng Zhu gentlemen's help of the scriptures is analogous to the manipulation of power to level the department store of the light and weight length of the prevention of power to the light and weight length of the goods are not seen and non-department store gathered, although the power of the degree is not used, so want to seek Cheng Zhu scholars who must be from the Ma Zheng biography of the beginning of the foolishness of the Han and Tang schools to see Cheng Zhu gentlemen learn the original so that they are empty and few scholars are not able to excuse the clouds

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