(Yuan) Sli Shou's "Reading Su Wen Ban

(Yuan) Sli Shou's "Reading Su Wen Ban" PDF medical antiquities ebook download.


Read Su Wen Ban, a medical scripture work, also known as Sequel Su Wen Ban, 3 volumes (one says 9 volumes). It was edited by Sli Shou (Bo Ren) in the Yuan Dynasty and continued by Wang Ji (Shishan) in the Ming Dynasty, and published in the 14th year of Ming Zhengde (1519). Slip's selection of the important contents of the Su Wen, divided into 12 categories, such as organs, meridians (12 meridians), pulse, disease, regimen, treatment, color diagnosis, acupuncture, yin and Yang, specimens, luck, collection, etc., re-edited, hooked mystery summary, concise commentary. This book is the first one to summarize and annotate "Su Wen", which is more desirable to compile and classify, and it is the first one to abridge and compile the "Nei Jing", which has a great influence on later generations. The book is the first of its kind, and it is the first of its kind.

Sli's book is based on the idea that medicine is derived from QI Huang, and that there is no way to know the origin of disease without reading his book, so he took the original compilation of Su Wen, deleted and summarized it, and wrote it as a class. The upper part of the book is on the collection of signs, meridians, pulse and disease, the middle part of the book is on regimen, treatment, color diagnosis and acupuncture, and the lower part of the book is on yin and yang, specimen, luck and collection, all 12 categories. The book ends with an addendum. After Sli's abridged class compilation and concise annotation, the academic theoretical system of Su Wen has indeed "summarized its pivotal points" for the benefit of later studies. Later on, Wang's book was also continued by Sli's commentary. Where the continuation of Wang Bing's commentary, the word "continuation" is prefixed to the first brief; between the attached their own views, the word "foolishly" to distinguish; slip's original series and its own commentary as before, so that the old commentary and the continuation of the complementary have distinguished, scholars know there is a choice. Wang's study of Danxi, so its sequel to the note cited Danxi's words of training and interpretation. For example, "Suwen - angry Tongtian theory" "wet heat does not reject, large tendons soft short, small tendons relaxed long, soft short for detention, relaxed long for impotence" sentence, Wang's supplementary note quoted "Danxi cloud ...... lost and not treated, wet depression for heat, heat stay not go. The main reason for this is that the blood is not able to nourish the tendons, so they are constricted; the small tendons are long and flaccid, and the moisture is not able to bind the bones, so they are impotent", so that the purpose of the sutra is clear and clinically relevant.

About the Author

Slippery Shou was a medical doctor of the Yuan Dynasty. His name is Bo Ren, and his later name is Opposing Sheng. He was born in Xiangcheng (now in Henan), and his grandfather moved to Yizheng (now in Jiangsu). He studied Confucianism at first and worked in poetry and literature. He studied with the famous doctor Wang Jui middle school. He studied the medical scriptures, and said that there were many mistakes in "Su Wen", so he collected the scriptures in three volumes, according to the organ, meridian, pulse, disease, regimen, treatment, color, pulse, acupuncture, yin and yang, specimen, luck, and collection of twelve items. He also wrote two volumes of "Difficult Sutra Ben-Yi", correcting errors and sparing the meaning. He advocated studying the medical scriptures in order to grasp the essence of medicine. Later, he learned acupuncture from Gao Dongyang in Dongping and obtained all his skills. He also studied the internal medicine diagnosis and treatment after Li Dongyuan. He is a master of diagnosis and prescription, and has cured many diseases and chronic illnesses. He said that "the first thing in medicine is the pulse", so he wrote a volume of "Diagnostic Pivot", listing 29 veins, which is quite effective. He has also written three volumes of "Fourteen Sutra Play", which explains the names and teachings of the meridians. In addition, there are three volumes of Typhoid Cases, one volume of Materia Medica, one volume of Pulse Tips, one volume of Medical Rhyme, and one volume of Hemorrhoids, all of which were lost. Dozens of his treatment cases were included in Zhu Yu's "Biography of Oppositional Life". Later there are four "Mingtang Diagrams", which are titled as written by Sli Shou. He died during the Ming dynasty in 1368-1398, at the age of seventy.

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