Hao Han "Qi Men Hand Facial Divine Determination" up and down in two volumes

Hao Han's "The Divine Decipherment of Qi Men's Hands and Faces" is available for download in two PDF e-versions.


The ancient and modern Yi worlds are mixed, and the phenomenon of copying each other is very common, no one is willing to pass on the real thing. I have obtained the consent of my mentor to publish this set of 'Extreme Phrenology Divination' face-to-face teaching materials to the world, so that a very small number of people have a chance to have, in order to correct the name of phrenology fraudulent pseudo. Whether you have no foundation, phase does not believe what I say, as long as I teach the method to break, you are guaranteed to become a god in a second, the accuracy rate of 100 percent, never false, is a professional 'practice' of the necessary weapons. The general charlatan will only say how many years old you are to how many years old, how about the past few years or ten years, without an accurate specific time and things, whether it is a broken fortune or injury, or official disaster can not be accurately said, can not be admired, now will be the secret of the secret of our family to break the flow of the year, the flow of the month revealed, hope that the person who has the fate of the treasure. Why is our method of breaking the New Year absolutely accurate? Because it comes from the ancient secret 'Qi Men magic' - the nine palace positioning method, as long as the 'nine palace positioning method', in order to accurately break the New Year
1. Positioning of the last twelve years
2. Positioning of the twelve months of the year
3. Positioning of the days of the month
4. Positioning of the face
5. Diagram of the year, month and day
How to determine the due date?
If there are old wounds on the forehead, should we break the year 02 is bad, or May is bad or the year of the horse is bad? Or maybe it is not good on the noon day? This is where the best trick is.
How to break the things that should be?
Where there are the above characteristics, there must be things such as broken fortune, bad luck, official disaster, injury, work change, mouth dispute and right and wrong, and the answer will not be ambiguous. This is the essence of the 'definitive method' in folk hand and face reading. To prevent rehashing and to ensure the interest of correspondence and face-to-face students, please call or send a letter to inquire.
There are other top secret contents please purchase the book to see in detail: such as what palm lines will appear if the father has an opening, what palm lines will appear if the wife has an opening or miscarriage, whether you can learn Yi well or will you be famous, why it has been stolen or easily stolen? There are many more six relatives in the palmistry of the hand and many other tricks to understand one by one.

Some screenshots

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Original link:http://www.fengshuiknowledge.com/4329.html,please indicate the source for reprinting.



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