Taiyi Shen Numerical Unification Book (original version)

The Complete Book of Taiyi Shen Numerical Unification (Original Edition) PDF eBook Download. (


The book is divided into six parts, one is the unification of the number (the relationship between astronomy, calendars and Yi), two is the division of the nine palaces (the relationship between the heavenly stems and earthly branches and geographical divisions), three is the number of the provisional discipline through the sixty-four trigram symbol system and trigram words, trigram line text system to explain the number of response, four is the marching of the army, five is the yin and yang two Yi, six is the command of the fate method . The attempt to use divination form and the structure of trigrams and lines to explain the laws of objective things change, reflecting the trajectory of development from witchcraft culture to humanistic culture, so that the philosophy wearing the veneer of divination becomes the philosophy of divination, and becomes the study of the laws of the universe. The first time I saw this, I was able to get to the bottom of it.

Some screenshots

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Original link:http://www.fengshuiknowledge.com/4575.html,please indicate the source for reprinting.



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