Zhou Fusheng, "Eight Character Numerology" 197 pages

Chou Fusheng's "Eight Character Numerology" 197 page PDF eBook download. (For clarity of content, see screenshot below)


Bazi Numerology is mostly used today for predicting fortune and misfortune, business development, market operation, and management, with very significant results. In the era of globalization where shopping malls are like battlefields, the Four Pillars and Eight Characters Prediction is the secret sauce for Chinese entrepreneurs to win.
The strength of the Four Pillars Forecast lies in the thorough analysis of things and the use of appropriate methods to coordinate everything, both in life and in work, the Four Pillars Eight Characters Forecast has high practical value and can guide us to correctly grasp opportunities and avoid harm. Therefore, Fusheng thinks that everyone should learn to understand and master a prediction technique, when you are lost and helpless eight numerology is your guiding light! The first thing you need to do is to learn how to use it.

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下载价格18 USD

Original link:http://www.fengshuiknowledge.com/1277.html,please indicate the source for reprinting.



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