You Daren's "Daren's Fortune-Telling" 2 volumes

Yu Daren's "Daren's Fortune-Telling" 2 volume PDF eBook download. (For clarity of content, see screenshot below)


The art of fortune-telling and new divination all began with Yi. The book is based on the book of the Confucianism, but its use is in the Qimen, which is a branch of the Qimen. The first of the two schools of numerology, the Five Stars and the Ziping, is the interpretation of the astrological signs of the Qi Men regarding personnel. Since the fifth generation, Xu Ziping out, is to reform, from the gasification of the theory of party to the day, abandoning the gods and demons of the nayin, exclusively based on the five elements of birth and death, so Ziping a school, flourished. To Ming Liu Bowen Sangoku of the drop of the day marrow, Zhang Shen Feng of the theory of disease medicine, to remove the muck and keep the essence, the life theory in the right track, so to develop and expand, and then become a complete numerology. Numerology is a kind of "art" in China, or call it philosophy, or call it science, according to my opinion, I think there is something wrong with all of them; cover the philosophy, science, physics of the collection, but this is a kind of art, is also mathematics. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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