Venerable Isshin's "Name Prediction" 99 pages

The 99-page PDF eBook download of Venerable Isshin's "Name Prediction". (


Numerology is different from other five-frame numerology, which originated in Japan and later became popular in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. The name is based on our ancestor's eight trigrams of Zhou Yi as the core to take the number in the earth branch, to take the image in the earth branch, to link the address number combination of the person's birth time, and according to the five elements of yin and yang to design the best name numerology in accordance with Yi Li, to produce a beneficial induction effect on life, to resolve the disaster of life.

Earth branch numerology is a bridge to transmit information, the arrangement of the five elements of earth branch numerology determines the change of magnetic field, man himself is a small Taiji, is also an objective entity, the information of man is closely related to nature, in line with the theoretical system of the unity of heaven, man and earth, with digital information to activate the electromagnetic waves of human matter, so that people live a good name information induction. It is also in line with the traditional Chinese culture and is more scientific.

The name method is simple and practical, as long as the five elements of yin and yang are well grasped, according to the combination of auspiciousness and bad luck of the birth and birth numerology, you can come up with an auspicious name to avoid bad luck.

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