Nine Thousand "Nine Thousand Flying Stars" Flying Star School of Purple Wei Dou Shuo Origins 367 pages

Jiu Chien "Nine Thousand Flying Stars" Flying Star School of Purple Wei Dou Shuo Yi 367 pages PDF eBook download.


"Nine Thousand Flying Stars" is the name of my blog. I have compiled my insights from years of studying the "Flying Star School of Purple Wealth" and put them online for you to share. Initially, I wanted to let more people know about the Flying Star School of Purple Wealth (or Flying Star for short).
The Flying Star has always been a method of fortune-telling that has been regarded as a secret treasure.
The book "Nine Thousand Flying Stars" is perfect as a starting point for learning the Flying Star School of Purple Wealth.
Another purpose of writing the blog and this book is to organize the theory of flying stars and to establish a good foundation for the theory of flying stars.

Table of Contents

The origin of the "Flying Stars" of the Flying Star School and the Three Harmonies School
Reading Platform
Flying Stars
The Eighteen Flying Stars
The Flying Star Method
I.1.Anchoring the Stems
II.Anchoring the Twelve Houses
III.Determining the Five Elements
IV.Anchoring the Eighteen Stars
V.Starting from The year of birth and the current year
Sixth, the year of birth and the stem of the year of birth and the four transformations
The theory of flying stars
The four images of flying stars
The recipe of the flying transformation of the twelve houses
The flying house chapter flying stars twelve houses
My house
Other house
Self house
One six common clan
Flying house four images
Charged illumination
The body with the standing pole
Taiji point<br
The plane of space and time
Easy because of time
Easy because of things
Easy because of stars
Body and use
Flying palace transfer
The mystery of self-transformation
Flying palace theory
Flying element chapter of heavenly stem three yuan
Earthly branch three yuan
Human transportation three yuan
Flying element overlap
Take the image upward and search for the number downward
Heavenly and human unity and hidden image in the earth
The same kind of party
Flying Yuan theory
Flying Luck chapter
Gong Qi theory
Gong Ben theory
Synchronous break tips
Flying Luck theory
Moments and examples of theories of fate
Examples of theories of fate
Flying Star Compendium 49

Some screenshots

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