Shen Pingshan's "General Discussion of Calamities and Disasters in the Purple Wei Dou Numerals

Ping-Shan Shen's "The General Theory of Ziyou Dou Numerology's Current Year Disasters" PDF eBook download.


This book is the author's personal method of fortune telling, which is based on astrology, flying stars, major, minor, medium, and minor limits, and the change of house position in the current year. The book is a purely personal one, the theory is different from the current way of fortune telling, and the meaning of the divination is to question some of the methods of "The Complete Book of the Purple Wealth", such as:

1 To judge calamity, disease, financial ruin, death, or good or bad behavior, it is advisable to refer to each other's minor limits and current years.
2 To analyze the nature of the industry and work of the year, we should look at the son of the year.
3 The year of the current year is built, the year will be, accounting for things bun, should not be taken.
For example, in the year of A, Lianzhen transforms into Lu, this star enters into the main position of the North Dipper, the power of the star is enhanced, and the star feelings in the same house are relatively expanded, especially in money, official position, food, and lust. This star is a powerful star, which expands the power and affects the action of the year A.
3. The first of these is the "four-phase", and the second is the "four-phase".
The sun is in the middle of the sky, and it is said that the sun is in the middle of the sky, and it has the position of power and wealth of the enemy
The heavenly beam meets the horse, and the woman's life is cheap and lascivious.

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